6 Zodiac Signs Who Are Quick to Fall in Love and Just as Quick to Let Go

Some people fall in love with ardor, which is soon extinguished. Perhaps you have someone in mind or have found yourself in a situation like this.

Astrology suggests that exactly at that moment, certain zodiac signs tend to throw themselves into love and are out just as quickly. Take Aries, for instance; they thrive on a new romance but are looking for the next flash of thrill once the novelty wears off.

If you have wondered why some people seem to be in and out of relationships so quickly, that characteristic may relate to their zodiac sign. Let us check out six signs that love hard but let go even harder.


Aries love the chase. They fall fast, diving in headfirst, and cherish the excitement of a new relationship. However, once things settle down, they are already looking somewhere else.


They crave passion and excitement, and once things start feeling too much like a routine, they are out looking for the next spark. It’s not that they don’t care, they just get bored way too easily and need constant thrills to stay interested.


Gemini tends to fall in love with ideas and possibilities and the thrill of the connection. Charming, curious, looking for someone to keep up with their fast-moving mind.

But just as fast as they fell for them, they lost interest again.

Boredom with routine and predictability leads them to look somewhere else when a relationship gets somewhat familiar.


For Sagittarius, love lives in the realm of great adventures.

They’re spontaneous, passionate, and ever chasing the next great experience. When they fall, they fall hard, but just as the relationship threatens to feel confining or somewhat predictable, off they go.


Commitment tends to feel like a cage to them, and they would rather keep things with you fun and light than settle down.


Leo loves love. They live for romance, grand acts, and excitement emanating from a new connection.

When they fall, they pull all the stops and bombard their partner with attention and affection. But if they begin to feel unappreciated or the spark dims, they’ll have no problem moving on.

Leo requires someone who can provide passion and adoration; devoid of these necessities, they’ll soon be casting their locks toward someone who can.


A hopeless romantic, Libra falls for love itself. They love the thrill of new relationships – flirting, charms, and the honeymoon phase.

But, once something becomes too complex, or the crazy buzz dies down, they may start exploring other options. Libra is stuck in always indecisive, always asking, wondering if there is something – or someone – better.


They move on quickly because they’re always searching for the perfect combination of love and excitement. It’s never because they don’t care.

The time period extending from the 19th day of February to the 20th day of March has been designated as Pisces. Pisces have endless love and passion for their partner, sometimes resorting to hasty actions.

They become enchanted by the beginnings of new love and the fantasies they create in their mind. When things do not meet their expectations, they promptly lose interest in being involved.

Pisces find emotional ties essential, but should the ties disappoint him, they will quietly fade out, adding thoughts of their next big love to his daytime daydreaming.


Falling hard and moving even faster could be the way of life. It is knowing what or whom tickles your fancy, and refusing to settle for anything less.

But true connection requires time, patience, and sometimes the willingness to sit in the silence with the other person-and not just the moments of excitement.

Should you find yourself on the above list, it might remind you to slow down, take stock of the love already present in your life, and see where it leads you before you pursue the next big feeling.


Which zodiac signs fall quickly into love?

Take Aries, for instance they thrive on a new romance but are looking for the next flash of thrill once the novelty wears off.

Which zodiac signs are more tendent to move on from very loving relationships?

Falling hard and moving even faster could be the way of life. It is knowing what or whom tickles your fancy, and refusing to settle for anything less.

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