Jordin Sparks on Weight Loss & Confidence: ‘I’m Good With My Thighs Touching’

Jordin Sparks on Weight Loss & Confidence ‘I’m Good With My Thighs Touching’

Jordin Sparks footprints five years after being crowned “American Idol” on 2007 have been highly recognized in the same way as where she has undergone an entirely different direction concerning her health. She’s had chart-crushing albums, made her Broadway debut in “In the Heights,” starred in the movie remake “Sparkle,” and lost a whopping 50 … Read more

Matt Damon’s Shocking Diet: The One Food He Ate Daily to Lose 60 Pounds

Matt Damon’s Shocking Diet The One Food He Ate Daily to Lose 60 Pounds

Courage Under Fire was to prove one of Hollywood’s most notable examples of a star who sacrificed his appearance for a role, where Matt Damon lost a staggering 60 pounds to embody that ravaged soldier. This meant he was compelled to exist for days and months eating only chicken breasts, with a workout schedule that … Read more

Simple and Effective Fat-Burning Exercises for Weight Loss at Home

Exercise is not just meant to make the body fit; it removes many health-related problems. Today, obesity leads to many diseases. Fat also plays an important role in the body, protecting it from cold and hot weathers. About 20% of a normal adult human body consists of fat. However, when the amount of fats exceeds … Read more